Have you really noticed all you blessings? My life is so unbelievable and I am so blessed from the time I wake up to the time I close my eyes. By turning my life over to God I have found JOY! Where the worry was taking over every moment of my day I now have the ability to breath without worry. How is this possible you say. Either you believe with all your heart and mind or you don't. That's all there is. I believe the Lord Jesus is my savior and I turned my life over to him. Now I work for the Lord and find that arrangement to be most suitable. I do the best I can every day (well I try to do the best I can) and I know for a fact that my boss "God" is happy with me. I ask for things I need and He gives me the things HE feels I need when I need them.
Oh I can share some stories that encourage you to pray but watch what you pray for because what we expect for an answer in our mind is not always what the answer God feels we need. God has a sense of humor that's for sure.
I have been so busy I have not found the time necessary or should I say I have not prioritized my life lately to cover everything I have on my plate. So this blog has been long in coming. Since my last blog there has been a weekend of widows on God's Cozy Acres. It was a success but I did find this is something I can't do alone. I had one helper but I needed more. So it was a learning experience for me and even though it did not all turn out like I expected everyone had a great time. That was by the grace of God!
Since then Redeemer Lutheran and St. Paul's Lutheran volunteers have come out and helped with other necessary work on the farm. That was another plan of God's and in His time. I hear "Let Go and Let God" that's not easy but I work at it daily.
I see so clearly that God has a plan for each one of us and it is a very intricate plan that we can't even grasp. I know every day I am where I belong to hear or say something that the Lord wants me to relay or learn.
My JOY comes from serving the Lord in the capacity He has presented to me. That is to help widows and others who have lost loved ones. I really enjoy speaking at different churches or organizations as long as my power point is with me. Everywhere I hear from a widow that there is nothing around for widows. This is what the Lord has put on my heart and this is my job.
I have some board members but only one lives in Tennessee. So my task is to find other Board members and helpers for God's Cozy Acres. I know the Lord has a plan and I want others to pray to find what He has in mind for them!
I work for GOD and you can't find a better boss! Similar to the 401K He offers something better "Everlasting Life". This plan is all paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Have a great day in the Lord! Check out your blessings today you will find more than you imagined!