Sunday, August 27, 2017

How Small Are We on the Large Scale

As life continues day by day, we jump over bumps on our path or tumble. We may feel discouraged when things don't go exactly how we planned. We may try to control our situations or others.

Viewing the Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 was such a wonder. It made me think, how small we are on the large scale of life. Genesis 1:14-19 tells us of the creation of the Sun and Moon etc. on the fourth day. All of these things help me to understand that I can never completely understand our omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God. All powerful, all knowing, residing everywhere at the same time.

Isn't it interesting how many try to put God in a box.  Scientist, collecting information about rogue waves in the ocean, to help boats at sea, ran into challenges. Allowing different computer programs, around the world, to come together and become compatible for one purpose.   They can collect information  but they can't send that information fast enough around the world. So, they store it. There is such a large amount of data that it has been stored up for years. Astronomical amounts that we can only decipher a tiny bit at a time. 1-Gigabyte = 1,000 Megabytes. 1-Petabyte = 1000 Terabytes.  This all gets very confusing to say the least. I know there is more terminology beyond, but gracious its more than I can wrap my head around. What an awesome God to make our body's with the capability of learning and understanding and using and inventing "Things".

So as we viewed, along with thousands of other in the USA and around the world, we have to see where we are on the larger scale.  For myself on the question of where am I on that larger scale, I am smaller than one gran of sand from all the oceans in the world. I think that sums it up.

So, when I'm getting anxious about something, I have to put it all in proper perspective. How important is this really, can I really do anything to change it, or should I find a way to move outside the box and find joy in my little space. Can't say it's easy but the older I get the more I am trying to let go of schedules, and move ahead one moment at a time. I will say, having multiple projects going on at one time is tricky, but I love it. That's me.  When one project needs to rest, I move my focus on the next etc.. Accepting that is not always thrilling, but I can sleep most of the time, when I do finally get to sleep.

I know my life has an ending and I would like to fill up my dash as best as I can. 1949-______.

I can look in the mirror and see what a sense of humor God has. I should enjoy being on stage with my daughter Christa, doing stand up/sit down comedy. We can just use our own life to make others laugh, because God gave us all JOY! That"s on my bucket list!

Have a great day in the Lord

Your sister in Christ

PS I hit spell check but I don't have time to review, I'm on the way to my next project, at the farm, then back to make my cards for the nursing home Monday. Thanks God for a wonderful busy joyful life!