Friday, June 17, 2011

May 22, 20o11 Moving on with memories

On the farm we can wipe out years of our lives with one match and so I have done. The flames- about 4 feet high with orange-ish yellow arms reached for the trees and now mirror the bright orange on their leaves. My mind reached back when Dennis would call for us to present everything we wanted to burn. It was time; the rain had prepared a safe environment for this job. So, began the task of removing more of my history, my past life,  charges of special events; the theater or dinner, electric bills; tax returns; insurance statements-medical needs, he kept good records and now they are fueling the dancing flames; like some ancient ritual.

Going through boxes from the attic I try to sneak up on things so as not to dwell in any area to long. “Get ur done,” rings in my mind over and over. Concentrate on the task at hand; no time to spare, make the decision to keep or let go. Then I discover the undecided location again. The task is repeated and then abandoned for a while. When the urgency returns a mad dash to make the decisions and complete the project pushing forward with the unwanted, but necessary task.

There are 7 medium boxes pushed back into the attic. Two (can you believe it) contain craft magazines I could NOT bring myself to let go of. Silly as it may seem they bring me joy…memories of teaching children crafts, or projects with friends =  all happy times. Then there were more of “His” things…my mind rushes to watch him loading the box with belongings that were important. What was on his mind as we packed things away (knowing we would be back to continue our life in the future)?

With the task complete, long tables were folded and leaned against the wall, floor swept, and supplies checked for the painting task tomorrow and the words “job well done” came to my mind. I did it!

A month long review of 70 boxes brought me another step forward into my new life, another door gingerly closed to my past, but not forgotten.

I move ahead, not alone, but with God and a purpose He has given me.

Now with joy in my heart, God at my side and volunteers ready we prepare this place, God’s Cozy Acres, so others can, by the grace of God find direction and hope.

Job well done.

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