Merry Christmas from God’s Cozy Acres, Inc.
The constant reminder of how fast time passes is ever more present at this time of the year. We stop and review what we have accomplished and compare it to the wish list. There should never be regret if we realize everything is in God’s time not ours. This year is no exception for God’s Cozy Acres as reflections of the past activities are reviewed.
With a great deal of preparation and under the guidance of Charles Christiansen at SCOPE- the learning, deliberation, consultation, laughter, smiles, and prayer- the first step was completed April, 2011 with the filing of the 501c3 corporate documents for God’s Cozy Acres, Inc. This was one year from the actual date God put the project on my heart (April 2010). December 14 we received the approval of the IRS for our Non-Profit Corporate status. We did get a few monetary contributions this year and we sincerely thank everyone. We have fund raisers lined up to raise funds to cover the outstanding balances for renovations completed, additional renovations and the beginning of programs.

Talking to others about our programs:

What a blessing to share with all these wonderful people.
Special blessings by the work done by volunteers 2011.

o Michele Rhoads and the youth at Christ Our Savior Lutheran in Loudon and
o Chad Lane and youth from Christian Church Loudon, TN.

We hope to start the year 2012 out by opening up the Retreat Center for January gatherings as we still complete other necessary work.
Looking forward to those volunteers who have not been able to come out to the farm yet! We need you! Our kitchen could use some renovation, the picnic table cover needs new posts and we need another picnic table. We need input on a stairway change to make it easier for those with challenges to get upstairs. We need some trees taken down, cut up and collected in piles we can split to burn for heat.
We extend an open invitation to the youth groups who helped- to come out again for time on the farm just to enjoy God’s gifts to us year round.
The Lord has been good to us with many blessings and so we thank the Lord for giving us the things he feels necessary to do his work. I especially want to thank the Board of Directors of God’s Cozy Acres, Inc. for keeping up their help and support!
We always remember Jesus is the reason for the season and celebrate what HE has done for us year round! Blessings always! To find humor and more as I discover life on my new path check out this is a work in progress and there is so much I will try to add next year.
Merry Christmas to you all as we remember Jesus is the reason for the Season All Year Round.
Your sister in Christ
Maryanne Jerome, President
God’s Cozy Acres, Inc
a non-profit Christian Retreat for Widows
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