Tuesday, July 22, 2014

In The Lord's Time.......

In the Lord's time is repeated over and over and rightly so.  We have no choice but to let go and let GOD be in charge of our lives. As small as we our in the big scheme of life, we are everything to God. We are HIS children (even the bad guys & gals). The sooner we accept that and keep that on the front of our minds the better for each of us.

I can always allow myself the feeling of "I am in charge" Only I can handle this" etc. However, the reality is God allows me to work on HIS plans, on HIS earth with HIS children for HIS children. but HE will make the decisions totally.   When I can keep this right in my mind things move along just fine. However, when I get anxious and expect results the way I want results, challenges arise.

So, I said all that so I could read it back to myself again.

I am heading out to the farm Friday (hopefully it will not rain) I need to get ready for Plumber & Electrician by taking down shelves and moving things around. So, even now I know the moving things around will not be something I should do alone. Asking for help is still hard to do.  I know everyone has a life and I hate to bother them. However, I know if I try to move things alone, I will most likely hurt myself.  My new best buddy Nancy and her honey Bill may be the some ones I should contact.  Glad we could work this out.

Note to self: write down what you plan to do and read it back so you can see what you really should do.

OK so silly me..... I thought I was having symptoms of a stroke Sunday.  Well, just to check it out I sent a text to my girlfriend a nurse. She suggested I see a Doctor immediately. On Monday morning I called my doctor and went to see her. Better safe than sorry was her comment. So perhaps the blood work will show something interesting that I may be lacking. But, as an eye opener, I started a review of my "office room at home". Working on to many things at one time (my normal) and my dilemma.

Note to self:  Stress is the major cause of  "stroke" Heart Attack" etc.  I am causing my own stress. Perhaps I should bottle the stuff. I have enough stuff to do now I am working on causing stress.
Well, feeling a new path being opened I started, once again, organizing my room. Stacks of paper, things I was saving for some day, things that had to be done by Thursday and Friday and Sunday.
 I'm free again. Still more piles to go through but I know have found what it is I must bring for the next two dinners for six from church. I have found all my GriefShare papers and they are all in order on one table. I still have the sewing table to de-clutter and the drawing desk to de-clutter but we can see the bed now. Down to three stacks minimal. The closet had things removed and tossed that really don't matter. What this exercise did was free me from the feeling of being over weighted down. I have breathing room, so to speak. Yea and congratulations once again to me! Good JOB.

Note to self: don't get a big head you have lots to go yet. but you can at least see the path. Thank God for the inspiration, once again.

Well I accomplished  getting a little more sleep with my husband and then got some thank you cards out, GriefShare program for Thursday ready, taking of pictures for the surprise for Ruby by going to a lunch, helped my board member Vivian with her lines for a cute play, went to dinner at KFC (husbands favorite) with friends, came home and got rid of all the jelly bellies I didn't need and finally emptied my stomach of everything I had eaten today (not planned). I feel like I can start tomorrow fresh, empty and plan not to eat anything I shouldn't. I will teach those extra 5 pounds a thing or two. I will wipe them out!

Well, its time to hit the sack or read a book in bed so I will do that. Busy day tomorrow, another women's lunch, no nonsense in the food area tomorrow. I will  be good! I promise!

Note to self: Be serious and keep your promise, you will be all the better for it.

Thank you Lord for instilling humor in my veins, I love to laugh at me! You are an awesome God! 

OK one quick quote: my husband, Joseph noted my cat, Tiger, was walking on my  visiting friend's lap and  looking at her and Joseph said, " You do realize, you have just had a "cat scan". Now is that great or what! I love this guy! Thank you Lord for my new husband! He is a hoot!

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