Sunday, January 24, 2016

My current blessing (left over from last year) is the encouragement to see the movie "War Room".
Knocked my socks off, it really spoke to ME! I already pray so what's the big deal. Let me tell you,
I was lifted up out of my seat with encouragement that's the BIG deal! I made a purchase of the book called Fervent, A Woman's Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic prayer.
This book that will prepare a woman to shoot BEAR! Or be David with a sling shot and knock down Goliath. We each need something that will get our attention and motivate our focus and movement.

I needed to know who the enemy is! I needed to get serious and specific in my prayers. This movie took the heat off every else and put the blame to the one and only Satan. I have to remind myself, I work for God, every day all day long. I am a child of God saved by the blood of Jesus Christ!

One important thing I struggle with is "God's time" not my time.  When I think about all the things I wanted at God's Cozy Acres farm to help others and struggled to make them happen by MY strength. Oh my, who did I think I was??? I lost sight of the fact that this is "Gods" cozy acres not mine! I had to wake up to reality of who IS in charge. That would be GOD!  

I had to stop and smell the roses and allow God to be in charge.  You know how hard that is! With the devastation of the water disaster, gutting the entire lower floor -put me into a depression. However, in God's time; walls came down, furniture, books, special posters, pictures, tools were dumped in the large trash receptacle. Pipes were replaced, electric rewired, insulation went in,  new walls went up, drop ceiling was put in, new cupboards and a large island were installed, new refrigerator, stove and microwave installed Now this lower half section of the retreat center will provide enough space for a large group of people, unlike the earlier configuration.

I grieved the work Dennis and I accomplished in this section of the retreat center and accepted the new changes by God. I stand in awe but not surprise of the great job GOD can do if we let him! We are truly blessed!

I was asked to give my little 2000 Toyota Tacoma truck away for a someone's greater need. I knew things would be fine but wasn't expecting to receive another beautiful white 2009 Toyota Tacoma.
Nine years newer really makes a big difference! This one is titled to Gods Cozy Acres, Inc., our first
company vehicle. We are truly blessed!

My life activities seem to be exactly what I promised God, when Dennis died. I work for God. My joy comes from helping others; who have lost loved ones to death, but more than that. Being an integral part of someone's life, just for a moment in time. Helping someone, on their new path in life, find the joy, only Jesus Christ can give.

I will be volunteering for to many things this year, yet again. This will break my new years resolution! I will certainly spend time with my artwork this year, since I am an "Artist" it's time to get some joy in my artistic heart.

Note to share: 1.GriefShare starts March 3, 2016 and runs to May 26 for the first session and then August 4th through October 27.  2.God's Cozy Acres, Inc. will have a re-dedication the last part of August 2016. 3. February 10 showing War Room at my home to friends.

It's time to raise the roof and PRAISE THE LORD FOR ALL HE HAS DONE FOR US!

Your sister in Christ Maryanne Jerome Whitlaw

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