Tuesday, July 26, 2011


If an old woman falls in the woods does anyone here? God hears and knows because He is always with us.  Enthusiasm can be good in moderation however common sense needs to be engaged before your run into a brick wall or as in my case one step.  That one step was perhaps an answer to a prayer, not at all the expected reply but a reply that worked quite well, I’m afraid. Perhaps jumping out of bed at 5AM was not a bad start, adding glasses was a good move too, grabbing the cell  phone still no problem, now wait here comes the good part. If you were following the last sentence you would have seen the part they call “foreshadowing” in the movies, that was the “jumping out of bed” ever done that and stayed upright? Still not quite awake, heading out side to the porch, down two stairs, stager up into the driveway, (the only place you get a signal in the country), I focused on calling mother. So far so good, however the brain was not ready for more than the normal morning walk to the bathroom. Trying to meet the 5am calling deadline the normal activities were missed, the plot thickens.   What a good daughter-- I made the requested call at the right time on the cell phone –since we have the same cell phone company it’s FREE.  Oops, my normal schedule was being overlooked and there was a need to end the call and rush back into the cottage. 

Imagine a moderately old woman moving at a good clip with a serious goal in mind, focused on the door not the stairs, we have gone up them hundreds of times, lift the foot and oh my gosh you missed, are you kidding me?  The foot, or the big toe nail to be exact didn’t make the follow through and gravity pulled me down like a ball player sliding into home plate. Since speaking to myself is normal for me I stated the obvious, “this is not good” and started a full system diagnose. Glasses did not break, check, cell phone still in hand, check, can move extremities, check, and red leakage yep --from that one irresponsible toe that caused this entire problem, I get to my feet and realize there was another challenge which required a change of clothes. Perhaps it’s a good thing there was no one to hear or see me fall on the cottage porch in the middle of the woods.

God has given us free will to do smart things and not so smart things as learning tools to accomplish the bigger program in our life. I had prayed for help to accomplish the paperwork stacking on my desk, which I keep putting off in exchange for more exciting things like pulling weeds or running the mower or sorting through things to give away or a little construction work, or reading a book.  Well, my attention was focused on my paperwork now.  I did finally realize that I could have used the house phone to call my mother and not go outside at all since it was before 6AM. Have you ever done something without thinking it out all the way?  I have slowed up on that kind of thinking, at least for now. 

Did I get the paperwork done you ask, well of course I did and from sitting for a couple weeks I managed to eat everything in the refrigerator and cupboards, or so it seemed.  This entire scenario also brought a more serious thought to mind, what of other widows who may not be a tower of strength, what if? My conversation with other widows did find the story I knew I would hear and it wasn’t good. A fall, is never good for any one of any age but a frail senior, alone could lose her life.  I’m sure you know of or you have been told of a senior who fell and suffered injuries.  I know my heart reached out to my husband at that moment, he was always there for me, and then I reached out to God and said thank you for the blessings of being able to move, get up and care for myself. Friends should call in the morning and night just checking on each other, just in case!

I was inspired to write this prayer:
As we walk with you today Lord help us keep our eyes on the cross, knowing we are never alone. You are at our side and have a plan for our future. In the same way we ask for wisdom and faith as we lovingly support our sisters, walking hand in hand on our new life path. We lift each other up to you Lord thanking you for your blessings today and always. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen

If an old woman falls in the woods God knows and hears.

Thank you Jesus!

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